Helbock belongs to the generation of jazz musicians who are heading off in their own individual directions, pushing the boundaries, radically re-configuring our understanding of what old and new music is, re-aligning composition and improvisation, and challenging common pre-conceptions about style and personality.

“Accomplished, melodic playing and a leavening sense of absurdity.” (The London Times)

David Helbock’s fine musicianship goes hand in hand with a remarkable ability to communicate on several levels. As British writer Peter Bacon has written, there is “much to intrigue the mind, much to warm the heart and much to tickle the funny bone.” German critic Roland Spiegel has elegantly described his music as “never cerebral, but captivating both the head and the body...”.

A great project coming deep from David Helbock's heart in which the "young wild lions" of Austrian jazz meet one of the most sought-after sideman of international jazz of the last decades - with a lot of percussion and groove and above all many keyboards and synthesizers completely in the spirit of Austrias most successful jazz musician - Joe Zawinul.


Patrick Weißenfels

Booking Agent

Wenna Liu

Production Manager

The ACT Agency

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